In October of 2018, news media reports of a giant caravan of migrants from Honduras flooded our televisions and social media platforms. The reports painted them as a mob of thousands, coming to burst through the U.S. border to terrorize our families. The images focussed on crowds of people swarming through Central American cities and highways. I was dismayed by the way the media portrayed these people. Not as individuals who left their homes because they felt their lives were threatened, but as one large threatening mass. 

On November 1st, 2018, artist and activist, Paola Mendoza and I in collaboration with the non-profit organization, Families Belong Together, travelled to Oaxaca, Mexico to join up with the Caravana Migrante to meet some of these people and hear their stories to share them with the world. 

We spent many days meeting and interviewing individuals and families about their journeys and why. 

I have intentionally not captioned the images in this gallery as to protect the stories and identities of individuals. 

I am humbled and grateful to all of the people who allowed us into their lives and shared their stories with us. Some of whom I know are still waiting for their asylum claims in the U.S. 

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